
Trading Hours Update: US Daylight Saving Time Adjustment

Dear Valued Clients,

We would like to inform you that due to the start of US Daylight Saving Time, there will be adjustments to the trading hours for specific instruments effective Sunday, 10 March 2024 as the platform hours shift from GMT+2 to GMT+3.

Kindly refer to the table below outlining the affected instruments:

Type Symbol Description Trading Time
Commodities Cocoa US Cocoa – Cash Monday-Thursday: 12:45-20:30
Friday: 12:45-20:27
Coffee Coffee Arabica – Cash Monday-Thursday: 12:15-20:30
Friday: 12:15-20:27
Sugar No. 11 Sugar Raw – Cash Monday-Thursday: 11:30-20:00
Friday: 11:30-19:57
UKOUSD Spot Brent Crude Oil Monday: 02:00-24:00
Tuesday-Friday: 00:00-01:00, 03:00-24:00
XALUSD Aluminium vs. US Dollar Monday-Thursday: 04:00-22:00
Friday: 04:00-21:57
Gasoil Low Sulphur Gasoil – Cash Monday: 02:00-24:00
Tuesday-Thursday: 00:00-01:00, 04:00-24:00
Friday: 00:00-01:00, 04:00-23:57
Indices GER40 GER40 Cash Monday-Thursday: 03:15-24:00
Friday: 03:15-23:57
GER40ft GER40 Future Monday-Thursday: 03:15-24:00
Friday: 03:15-23:57
ES35 ES35 Index Cash Monday-Thursday: 10:00-22:00
Friday: 10:00-21:57
SA40 South Africa 40 Cash Monday-Thursday: 09:30-18:30
Friday: 09:30-18:27
BVSPX Bovespa Cash CFD (BRL) Monday-Thursday: 15:01-23:55
Friday: 15:01-23:52
CHINA50 CHINA50(USD) Monday-Thursday: 04:00-11:30, 12:00-23:45
Friday: 04:00-11:30, 12:00-23:42
CHN50ft CHINA50 Future Monday-Thursday: 04:00-11:30, 12:00-23:45
Friday: 04:00-11:30, 12:00-23:42
HKG33 HKG33 Cash Monday-Thursday: 04:15-07:00, 08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
Friday: 04:15-07:00, 08:00-11:30, 12:15-21:57
HK50ft HK50 Future Monday-Thursday: 04:15-07:00, 08:00-11:30, 12:15-22:00
Friday: 04:15-07:00, 08:00-11:30, 12:15-21:57
AUS200 AUS200 Cash Monday-Thursday: 01:00-08:30, 09:10-24:00
Friday: 01:00-08:30, 09:10-23:57
UK100ft UK100 Future Monday: 01:05-24:00
Tuesday-Thursday: 01:00-24:00
Friday: 01:00-23:57
Forex USDCLP US Dollar vs Chile Peso Monday-Thursday: 15:50-19:10
Friday: 15:50-19:07
USDCOP US Dollar vs Colombia Peso Monday-Thursday: 17:00-20:50
Friday: 17:00-20:47
USDIDR US Dollar vs indonesian Rupiah Monday-Thursday: 04:00-23:00
Friday: 04:00-22:57
USDKRW US Dollar vs South Korean won Monday-Thursday: 03:00-23:00
Friday: 03:00-22:57
USDTWD US Dollar vs Taiwan Dollar Monday-Thursday: 03:10-22:00
Friday: 03:10-21:57
USDINR US Dollar vs Indian Rupee Monday-Thursday: 05:00-23:00
Friday: 05:00-22:57

*All hours are provided in GMT+3 (Server Time in MT4/MT5.)

Kindly be reminded that if you are trading any affected instruments through an Expert Advisor (EA) or automated trading robot that requires manual entry of trading hours, please ensure you make the necessary adjustments before 10 March 2024.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to email us at or via Live Chat at


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